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What Is Chess Puzzles?

Chess Puzzles allows you to bet on yourself and play head-to-head against other players. Whoever solves the most puzzles wins!

Live Games

Play asynchronous chess against players from all over the world. Win cash prizes!

Cash Tournaments

Take part in our official cash prize tournaments now on your mobile.

Mobile Friendly

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Global Rankings

Join a network of players around the world.

What Makes Chess Puzzles Different?

With a user-friendly interface, a vast collection of challenging puzzles, and the chance to compete live against other players, Chess Puzzles is redefining the realm of online chess gaming.

Featured Puzzles

Mate In 1

Mate in 2

Mate in 3


Why Play Chess Puzzles?

Through regular engagement with Chess Puzzles, individuals can experience a variety of cognitive benefits.

Boosts Problem Solving Skills

Chess puzzles often require a player to think multiple steps ahead and consider a variety of potential scenarios. This bolsters problem-solving skills and promotes a solution-oriented mindset.

Improved Memory Recall

As players delve into chess puzzles, they begin to recognize patterns, remember past solutions, and recall complex structures, which aids in enhancing memory recall.

Strategic and Analytical Thinking

Navigating through the challenges posed by chess puzzles fosters strategic and analytical thinking. Players learn to evaluate the implications of their moves and develop a deeper understanding of cause and effect.

The Grandmasters

Join the ranks of our esteemed chess players

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Grandmaster 2

Elo xxxx


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John Doe
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
John Doe@username
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